Brent Panell and Hans Lemons Share Cutting-Edge Cyber Security Threats and The Necessary Protection for All Businesses

At the 2019 Cyber Secure Executive Summit, leaders from across the Cyber Security industry gathered to discuss emerging threats and what all business owners need to know to protect themselves and their data.

Hans Lemons, ControlAltProtect’s Chief Technology Officer, discussed the source of emerging threats, including phishing, social engineering, malware and internal threats from disgruntled current or former employees.


Following Lemons, ControlAltProtect’s CEO, Brent Panell closed the session with important takeaways and shocking statistics on the rise of cyber crime. Forty-three percent of cyber attacks are aimed at small businesses, and anti-virus will not protect against them.


For more information on these threats and how you can defend your business against cyber crime, contact ControlAltProtect for a cyber security assessment.