CPAs, Tax Preparers and Law Firms Require Cyber Protection

CPA firms and law firms are major targets for ransomware, malware, and data breaches because they house large amounts of financial data and personal information about their clients. This data is worth a lot of money on the Dark Web. If you’re relying on your IT provider for cyber security, there is a good chance you may be at risk. Our affordable cyber protection solutions are effective, built off of cutting-edge technology, and custom tailored to your firm’s needs. 

Who is Safeguarding Your Emails?

Phishing attempts are one of the most common ways a hacker can gain a foothold into your firm. We block many of these phishing attempts through ThreatSwipe™, our proprietary cyber protection system. But we also take protection one step further by training you and your team on how to identify and report these threats. It’s just one of the many ways we help firms get smarter about cyber protection.

Take The Next Step With A No-Obligation Hack Analysis

ControlAltProtect is here to protect you. Let’s take the first step together with a No-Obligation Hack Analysis. It will identify weaknesses in your systems and network that are leaving you vulnerable to an attack. Every 10 seconds a business falls to ransomware. Don’t let your firm be next.