We have more than one virus to combat during this unique time.

Criminal Hackers are working like never before to steal our data and jeopardize American businesses. Along with increased personal hygiene procedures, it’s important to “keep your technology and data clean” as well!

Our Security Operations Centers monitor global internet traffic, and the activity from overseas is alarming. Below are several best practices that should be implemented immediately within each of your organizations, and ongoing to avert Criminal Hacking. Make no mistake, we are fighting and encountering record levels of malicious cyber activity. Failure to comply with the best practices outlined below could prove costly both personally and professionally.

Remote Access

Due to the increased need of remote working scenarios, Criminal Hackers are poised for attack. This will prove to be a major area of hacking persistence in the coming weeks. Controlling this area is a must during this time.

Password Management

Update your passwords every 30 days. Download and install a password vault program such as LastPass or Keeper Security. Use it to store all of your passwords for work and personal use.

Anti-Virus Software

Make certain that your anti-virus is current and that the definitions are set to update regularly. If your antivirus is not current or you need a subscription, please reach out to ControlAltProtect for our latest defense package. If you purchase anti-virus from your IT provider, contact us before updating or renewing. Many commonly sold anti-virus options are no longer safe or dependable.

Multi-Factor Authentication

Enable 2FA/MFA on all remote services. That includes email and remote office connections. If you do not have 2FA enabled on other online services (Banking, Amazon, Netflix, etc.), please do so.

Software Updates

Running old software on any device gives criminal hackers an open door.


Make sure your Windows operating system is up-to-date and you are using Windows 10.

Mobile Devices

Ensure you have installed the most recent IOS or Android operating software update..

Rebooting Procedures

At work and home you should periodically reboot devices. DVR’s, modems/routers, computers, laptops, cell phones, etc. Rebooting allows your devices to flush old and unnecessary files and clear the RAM (Random Access Memory).

Workplace Accountability

Who in your organization monitors and holds others accountable for data security practices? The best defense against cyber attacks…YOU!

Concerned About Remote Working Safety?

ControlAltProtect’s “Disaster Defense Team” is on standby to assist and provide security reviews and support for all clients.