ControlAltProtect was proud to sponsor the 2021 Gulf States ASC Conference in Biloxi to help Healthcare practices better understand the importance of cyber protection.

More than 90% of all U.S. Healthcare organizations reported breaches in the last three years. Medical practices are major targets for ransomware, malware, and data breaches because they house large amounts of personal information about their patients. This data is worth a lot of money on the Dark Web. Also, many medical practices focus on HIPAA compliance, but don’t realize their data is still at risk, and that puts their practice and their reputation at risk. ControlAltProtect specializes in securing and protecting Healthcare organizations in several key ways. 

Identifying Threats Unique to Your Healthcare Practice 

Every healthcare organization has a unique threat model. We identify your threat model and the cyber security threats most likely to compromise your organization. Your greatest threats can come from many places. Weaknesses may exist in technical solutions (firewalls, data segmentation, etc.) and the internal compliance surrounding them. In most practices, the biggest threats come from the clinicians and staff accessing and transferring patient data every day. A lack of cyber security training within a practice means one wrong click from a well-meaning staff member can result in a costly breach. Your practice may have already been compromised, and you don’t even know. 

Cyber Awareness Training For Your Entire Organization

Google recently reported 2,145,013 registered phishing sites. We block many of these phishing attempts through ThreatSwipe™, our proprietary cyber protection system. But if your team isn’t trained to identify and report phishing attempts, your practice is at risk.

We also work with all employees within your organization to ensure the protocols they follow around storing and sharing data are compliant and safe. That may entail enabling multi-factor authentication or identifying who needs access to what kinds of data, and ensuring that processes around the access to and restriction of data are appropriate and thorough. This will help your practice operate more efficiently when every employee knows where to store and find the information they need and has the appropriate level of access for it. Even more importantly, if you can’t prove your team is being regularly trained on cyber security best practices, you may not be covered by insurance in case of a costly breach. 

Securing Your Vendors and Other Data Sources

Many Healthcare practices rely on vendors to assist with organizing patient data, patient billing, and more. But how can you know whether your vendors are adhering to the highest security protocols? We perform Vendor Risk Assessments to help you understand weaknesses and risks. This includes evaluating internal factors such as physical risks, risks to IT, personnel, and financials. We also evaluate your risks with regard to external factors such as acts of terrorism, hacking, phishing, and acts of God. We rate your organization across all of these factors and so you can better understand where your weaknesses are and how they can be remediated. 

Securing your data goes beyond vendors. Across your organization, important data is stored in email and local computer storage, and is transmitted in the patching of devices and through remote access to networks. All of these are potential inroads for ransomware and phishing schemes to take hold unless the necessary protections are in place. 

Take The Next Step With A No-Obligation Hack Analysis

Every Healthcare practice faces unique challenges to protect their patient data and their practice from the rise in ransomware, malware, and hacking threats facing them every day. ControlAltProtect is here to protect you while adhering to all HIPAA and other regulatory requirements. Let’s take the first step together with a No-Obligation Hack Analysis. It will identify weaknesses in your systems and network that are leaving you vulnerable to an attack. Every 10 seconds a business falls to ransomware. Don’t let your practice be next.