“Next-Gen” Is it just a buzzword to sell you something?

You have a great working relationship with your IT person. They ensure everything runs smoothly, fix issues when they arise, and most importantly, they’ve earned your trust. But one day, they’ll come into your office suggesting you need Next-Gen antivirus. You’ll think, “We already have antivirus. Are you just trying to sell me more stuff?”

Rest assured, your IT person isn’t trying to oversell you or nickel and dime you to death. Next-Gen antivirus isn’t just a buzzword—it’s a crucial part of a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy.

What’s the difference between Legacy Antivirus and Next-Gen Antivirus?

Legacy antivirus is effective at identifying pre-known malicious patterns and behaviors in programs, scripts, or commands. It searches for specific signatures and characteristics in files, identifying known threats and their usual hiding places. However, it struggles to detect persistent activity and the stealthy methods hackers use to gain a foothold in your network. Once hackers establish this foothold, they can remain undetected for a long time before launching a major attack. Persistence allows hackers to install viruses by gaining administrative privileges.

Next-Gen Antivirus, on the other hand, goes beyond traditional signature detection. It focuses on the entire operating system’s interactions and analyzes the full context of an attack.

So, thank your IT person for recommending and implementing Next-Gen antivirus. It’s an essential upgrade to keep your network secure.

If you’re interested in having a conversation about Next-Gen Antivirus, Contact Lesilie Leonard lleonard@controlaltprotect.com Or Call 877-CYBER911.