October is National CyberSecurity Awareness Month – Is Your IT Provider Keeping up with Patch Management?

With October being recognized as Cyber Security Month, I struggled with what subject to touch on because there are so many but, after hearing more than a few conversations about how customers will refuse to update their software (usually due to the cost) and after hearing about the consequences they suffered from not updating or patching so, this is where I landed.

So, what exactly is Patch Management?

Patch management is the process of applying your vendors firmware and software updates to improve functionality, close security vulnerabilities, and optimize performance.

What happens if you don’t stay on top of patch management?

Failing to perform patch management, which involves regularly updating and applying patches to your software, operating systems, and other IT infrastructure, can have significant consequences for your organization and its security. Here are some of the potential outcomes of not doing patch management:

Security Vulnerabilities: The most immediate and critical risk is leaving known security vulnerabilities unaddressed. Hackers and malicious actors often target these vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access to systems, steal data, or disrupt operations.

Data Breaches: Unpatched systems are more susceptible to data breaches. This can result in the exposure of sensitive customer, employee, or proprietary information, leading to legal and financial repercussions.

Malware Infections: Unpatched systems are prime targets for malware attacks. Malware, such as viruses, ransomware, and spyware, can compromise system integrity, disrupt operations, and steal data.

Loss of Productivity: As security incidents and malware infections occur, systems may become compromised or inoperable, leading to downtime and a loss of productivity for your organization.

Regulatory Compliance Issues: Many industries and regions have regulations that require organizations to maintain a certain level of security, including regularly applying patches. Failing to comply with these regulations can result in fines and legal consequences.

Reputation Damage: Security breaches and data loss can damage your organization’s reputation, eroding customer trust and loyalty.

Increased Support Costs: Unpatched systems may require more support and maintenance, leading to increased IT costs!

Legal Liability: Failing to apply patches can result in legal liability if your organization is found negligent in protecting customer or employee data.

Exploitation of Zero-Day Vulnerabilities: In some cases, attackers may discover and exploit zero-day vulnerabilities, which are previously unknown vulnerabilities for which there are no patches available. While patch management cannot prevent zero-day attacks, it can help protect against known vulnerabilities.

System Instability: Outdated software and unpatched systems can become unstable and prone to crashes and errors, impacting productivity and reliability.

Compatibility Issues: As software and systems become outdated, they may not be compatible with newer applications and hardware, hindering your organization’s ability to adapt and grow.

In summary, neglecting patch management can have serious consequences for the security, stability, and overall health of your IT infrastructure. Regularly applying patches and updates is essential for safeguarding your organization’s data, reputation, and operational continuity.

What can you do For Cybersecurity Awareness Month? You can sit down with your IT provider and ask how they are handling patch management for your organization!

For more information Contact lleonard@ControlAltProtect.com or call (877) 292-3791.