With the joy and celebration that surround the holidays, it’s easy to get caught up in the spirit of the season. For many people, that means they’re more likely to let their guard down when it comes to the safety and security of their online shopping behaviors. In the U.S., consumers spend more than $1.3 trillion dollars during the holiday season each year, and an increasing percentage of those purchases are made online. Your personal and financial data can be compromised through online purchases. But by following a few easy tips, you can significantly decrease your likelihood of experiencing a stressful, costly breach of your personal information that will leave you feeling vulnerable and violated during what should be the happiest time of the year. 

Shop Safer With ControlAltProtect’s Top Five Tips 

1. Shop Trusted Sites

Be aware of the websites on which you’re making purchases, and only shop trusted sites. Oftentimes online scammers will create fake online storefronts to capture credit card information. Look for “https” at the beginning of a website’s URL to confirm that it’s a secure site before making a purchase.

2. Update Operating Systems and Apps

Apple and Android regularly release operating system updates, many of which include patches and fixes for bugs and other identified security vulnerabilities. Install updates as soon as they’re available to ensure security features are up-to-date. Update apps regularly, too, especially those on which you make purchases such as Amazon and eBay. 

3. Stay Cyber Aware

Hackers and their tactics have become sophisticated and savvy when it comes to taking advantage of online shoppers. Many scams look legitimate at first glance. Always verify URLs and email addresses. Never share your passwords or bank information in unsecured spaces. Know that peer-to-peer payment services will never ask you to make a sizable payment with the promise of a reimbursement just to verify your account. Don’t click on links in emails from senders outside of your contacts. If something looks suspicious, it probably is! 

4. Utilize Strong Passwords

Even on secure, legitimate websites, your account, personal information, and credit card information can easily be breached through a weak password. Common password mistakes include: Using the same password on multiple sites, maintaining the same passwords for months or even years, and using personal information (i.e. zip code, birthdate, or child’s name) in your password. Strong passwords include letters, numbers and symbols, are 14 characters or more, and are changed frequently. Password management systems such as Last Pass can help you safely store your passwords and make logins easier. Even better, install multi-factor authentication on your devices. A simple two-step login process helps augment password best practices for an extra layer of security. It may seem like a hassle to remember a complex password, but it’s far less painful than the stress that comes from a hacked account. 

5. Spot Scammers

Many savvy shoppers look for deals on sites such as Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, neighborhood apps and other community-focused online resale sites. While many great deals can be had, it’s important to notice red flags from scammers posing as legitimate online sellers. Always review the seller’s profile. Online scammers oftentimes have profiles with stock photos and minimal activity. Look for shared friends who could vouch for the seller’s validity. If the seller is requesting unusual payment terms or is rushing you to respond or take action, take screenshots of the conversation, report their profile, and block them. When meeting in person to exchange items, choose a public, well-lit place, and bring a friend! 

Following these best practices can help ensure your holidays aren’t ruined by fraudulent activity or theft of your personal information. Safe online shopping starts with the awareness that hackers are always looking for easy opportunities. To learn more, contact us at info@controlaltprotect.com or call 1-877-CYBER911. We specialize in providing businesses of all sizes with Cyber Security solutions that monitor business environments and prevent and detect the hacking schemes putting them at risk.  

From all of us at ControlAltProtect, we wish you a happy and safe holiday season.