In today’s environment, businesses of all sizes face threats from sophisticated hackers, dangerous ransomware schemes, and email phishing operations. All of these can compromise your data and put your company at risk. 

ControlAltProtect offers industry-leading cyber threat detection services to our clients. We create customized solutions for every business we work with, regardless of size, because we know you and your business have unique needs. ThreatSwipe™ is the cutting-edge technology we created to protect clients like you. It’s our multi-phased, proprietary offering that protects your information, your clients, and your reputation. ThreatSwipe uses a five-phased, multi-layer approach.

Phase 1: Network Hacking and Persistence Monitoring

The first phase of our unique approach starts with monitoring. Cutting-edge detection and response with 24/7 monitoring is the most effective way to stop hacks. When a hacker attempts to break in, we’ll be there. We also evaluate your systems and uncover weaknesses a hacker could exploit. By eliminating those weaknesses, we make your network stronger and harder to penetrate. 

We also specialize in regulated industries that require specific kinds of security monitoring and measures. We work with many clients in fields such as Healthcare, Finance, Law, Accounting, and more. We understand the legal and regulatory environment businesses in these fields are required to satisfy, and our custom solutions help ensure your data is protected so you remain in compliance. 

Phase 2: Email Phishing Lockdown, Remediation and Monitoring

Phishing schemes have evolved and matured over the years and are now executed by extremely sophisticated networks of hackers. Today’s phishing emails appear legitimate, prompting users to take what seem to be reasonable actions, and are frequently missed by spam filters and anti-virus software. More than 90 percent of malware is introduced into systems and networks through phishing. One wrong click from a well-meaning employee can introduce a virus/payload into your data that can have devastating results. 

ThreatSwipe specializes in identifying phishing emails and getting them out of your system quickly. We also educate your employees on how to identify phishing threats, and we make it easy for them to report a potential threat. Our remediation tactics ensure that these dangerous threats are kicked out of your system fast so your data is safeguarded.

Phase 3: Ransomware Canary Detection and Monitoring

Ransomware is one of the most common and fastest growing cyber threats facing businesses of all sizes today. Ransomware threats are up more than 450 percent since the beginning of 2020. Through this type of threat, your data is compromised, encrypted, and held hostage by hackers who demand exorbitant payments in exchange for returning your data. 

Our analysts eliminate gaps and weaknesses that often lead to ransomware situations. Our ransomware detection services also provide quick response detection when ransomware is deployed.

Phase 4: Threat Intelligence and Dark Web Monitoring

You may think your business is small enough to fly under the radar of these hacking schemes, or that hackers couldn’t benefit much from your data. But in truth, small and mid-sized businesses are oftentimes the most common hacking targets. The rationale is simple: You’re not protected, and your data, like all data, is worth a lot of money on the Dark Web. 

On the Dark Web, leaked data is bought and sold at high premiums. Passwords and logins, active email accounts, cloud-based login credentials, network and website information, credit card information, bank account numbers, and other data used for identity theft are sold for hundreds of dollars per record. You will most likely never know that your data or your customers’ data is available on the Dark Web until the damage is done, in which case, it is oftentimes too late. 

We monitor the Dark Web and numerous threat intelligence sources, so we’ll know if your data has been exposed and made vulnerable, and most importantly, is for sale to the highest criminal bidder. In fact, a quick scan through our ThreatSwipe technology can immediately reveal where and how your compromised data is at risk for illegal purposes that may endanger you, your business and your clients. That’s the power of our Dark Web/threat intelligence monitoring through ThreatSwipe.

Phase 5: SOC/SIEM/NIDS Threat Alert Triage, Custom Threat Intel and Global Monitoring

ThreatSwipe isn’t a local or national service. It’s a global monitoring system, and ControlAltProtect is available 24/7 to mitigate any cyber threat facing your business. We monitor traffic for your business and learn what activities are typical for you. We aggregate all of that data into a security infrastructure (SIEM). Then, our Security Operations Centers are able to identify abnormal behaviors that can alert us to threats. 

When we identify threats, we contain attacks immediately, then resolve them so the impact on your systems and operations is minimal. We know that any down time you experience as a result of a cyber security situation translates to lost revenue. In addition, any compromised data can mean the loss of your reputation, or even the loss of your business. 

We take pride in being protectors of the innocent. A free hack analysis is the first step in identifying how ControlAltProtect can put ThreatSwipe to work for you. Contact us today at 877-CYBER911 or