Are You Really Protected Against Ransomware?

ControlAltProtect’s Cyber Security teams detect and remove threats of all kinds 24/7/365, but the threat of ransomware is surpassing them all in exponential growth and devastating consequences. Ransomware threats have become more sophisticated and are impacting a growing number of businesses every day. Here is what you need to know about ransomware, and most importantly, how you can be protected from it. 

What is Ransomware? 

The principle behind ransomware is simple and effective. In the past, hackers focused on stealing data to profit from businesses, oftentimes selling stolen data on the Dark Web or using it for another illegal means. But today’s more sophisticated cyber criminals know they don’t need to steal your data to compromise your business. Instead, they encrypt your data, making it impossible for you to get to it. By doing this, they hold your data ransom and require you to pay large sums of money in order for your data to be returned. However, when your data is returned to you, it’s usually incomplete or bugged with malware that allows them to return. 

Why Is Ransomware So Effective?

Ransomware is effective because of human error.  Criminal hackers deploy their plagued files on individuals and businesses with vulnerable systems, limited security layers, and lacking cyber security awareness. In most cases, hackers introduce ransomware into your system through a phishing email.  These phishing emails look legitimate and these actors are counting on the “human element.” That means it’s easy for a well-meaning employee to make one wrong click.  A “click” that introduces malicious malware and compromises your infrastructures in seconds. 

Many companies that have been victims of a ransomware attack will pay hackers to return their files. Criminal hackers know businesses can’t operate without the data and systems they use every day to connect with customers, process transactions, and more. The longer a company’s data is held hostage, the more revenue it loses and the more its reputation is damaged. If a ransom isn’t paid quickly, hackers will threaten to leak the data, further motivating a business to comply.

These hackers are not amateurs. They’re members of sophisticated, well-funded groups that specialize in ransomware threats. They’re highly trained and skilled, not only in technology, but also in hostage negotiations. They know how to create a crisis, then exploit it for their own gain. 

Am I At Risk? 

All companies, regardless of size, industry, or where they operate, are at risk for ransomware, and the risk is increasing daily. Large companies are often targeted because of their name recognition, large volumes of data and ability to pay multi-million-dollar ransoms. Small to medium-sized companies are also targeted as hackers know that, in many cases, these businesses haven’t invested in necessary cyber security to protect themselves. That makes them easy targets. These businesses may even be at greater risk because they’re unable to pay the ransom, but also unable to operate without the ransomed data. Without an experienced Forensic Cyber Security firm by their side, a business in this position may find itself with no way out. 

How Does ControlAltProtect Guard Against Ransomware? 

The best defense against ransomware is a comprehensive Cyber Security program that evaluates and remedies all weaknesses in your network that a hacker could exploit. That’s where we start with all of our clients. We monitor 24/7/365 to ensure that if a hacker attempts to deploy Ransomware, we’re there to remove the threat. We even offer extensive Cyber Security training, helping your employees become your first line of defense in spotting phishing schemes and other tactics hackers use to introduce ransomware. 

Lastly, if you’ve been a victim of a ransomware attack, call us now at 877-CYBER-911! We can help. Our credentialed team of Cyber Security professionals has extensive experience navigating even the most sinister ransomware crises. If you’ve fallen victim to Ransomware or other malicious cyber scenarios, let our Forensic team ensure this event doesn’t reoccur.